Tuesday, April 24, 2007

the right attitude

what comes in your mind when you hear this word?an instrument?a way to be cooler?a way to impress chicks(i know you thought about that)?

for me,a guitar was an instrument to play good music.i was always fascinated by the sing- along on-you-acoustic guitar type of music.but i was not so passionate about learning it.my dad encouraged me to play guitar.he explained me that a guitar must be treated as a good friend,a friend who will never betray you.but those words just fell on deaf ears.however,things changed the day i saw a song on mtv.the song is "gunsnroses----patience".that changed it all.that was when i just wanted to grab a guitar and play it no matter how hard it was.so that day itself my encouraging dad and mom bought me a guitar and i joined a guitar class.i used to practice everyday for an hour atleast.after 9 months, i left the guitar class and started doing my own thing and life has been good ever since.i never considered guitar as an instrument to get the chicks ,to become cool or any of that kind of theory.i really sympathize with people who live by the play-guitar--impress--chicks thoery.for all of the people who belong to that category,all i can say is,you might get the chick but to save the relationship,your guitar won't help you.instead try to think of a guitar as a musical instrument which takes your creativity to a whole new level.compose your own songs,write your own songs.treat your guitar like it will save you from all the negatives in life.take your instrument seriously and not treat it as a tool to impress the chicks or be the new cool.

nowadays the song that has caught my attention is
arctic monkeys---brainstorm.
the drumming is just awesome,the song's catchy and the guitar woirk is also cool.
check it out.
thanks for reading.until next time.ciao


Srijan Dubey said...

nice article...it's an instrument, not a chick magnet (sometimes works though ;-)

i'm about to begin now...in my case it was Maide's blood brothers and ryan cabrera that sparked it.

vinesh said...

This really was worth a read dude.

With an example of your guitar u have written what should be the right attitude to do anything in life.

Hope people really understand it and not just do things coz its cool or coz just because others do it.
If u wanna do something do it for yourself and your passion.

nicely written.
good work!!!!!